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Jenkov’s API Design Tutorial

by martin on November 21st, 2010

Jakob Jenkov has compiled an extensive collection of tutorials on how to design good APIs. Jenkov summarizes the qualities of a sound API with the statement: “Solve my problem, with minimal effort from me, and don’t get in my way.” His tutorial is broken down into several sections, including: Lots of Upfront Design, Keep it Small and Focused, Don’t Expose More than Necessary, Sensible Defaults, Optional Abstractions, Central Point of Access, among others. His tutorial covers a lot of ground and offers a lot of valuable tips, including several code examples in Java to illustrate his points.

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An Application Programming Interface (API) provides a logical interface to a piece of software and hides its internal details. This website is dedicated to a book on designing APIs for C++ and includes articles and links on API development.


The book is accompanied by a source code package that contains many of the examples in the text. Download it for free.


Dr. Reddy has also published a computer graphics book called Level of Detail for 3D Graphics. Check it out too!.
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